
Visit Your Representative’s Home Office or Set Up a Virtual Meeting

Representatives want to talk to their constituents about the issues that matter to them

Step 1: Enter your address and postal code in the form to find your rep’s name and website.

Step 2: On their website, search for their office closest to you and its phone number. Call and schedule a meeting with them in-person or through video.

Step 3: Talk to them about ALS, how it has impacted you and the Promising Pathway and ACT for ALS bills. Click here for tips on talking to representatives and senators about ALS and ALS-related legislation.

Tell them about ALS. Here are a few facts that might help you:

  • Being a veteran doubles your chances of being diagnosed with ALS.
  • 1 in 300 people will be diagnosed with ALS in our lifetimes.
  • ALS has no cure or effective treatments.

You’re an expert on your experience. Share your story so your rep knows what their voters care about. 

Here is information on:

Developing relationships with your representative is key to helping pass ALS legislation!

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