
DoD ALS Research Program

Over the past two years, the ALS community has helped increase the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) ALS Research Program from $10 million to $40 million per year in funding for ALS research.

In 2019 we broke down how we made it happen and took similar strategies to make the same doubling of research funding happen in 2020 to be applied in FY21.

On June 19th, 2019 after Congressional testimony and months of Hill visits, the House of Representatives voted to double the current ALS research funding level for the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program from $10 million to $20 million. The Senate Appropriations Committee approved the same increase. The full Senate then voted to approve the increase and then went back to the House for a final vote. Because the funding increase was the same in both the House and Senate bill, it stood a strong chance of being included in the final bill that went to President Trump for his signature.

Due to this community’s advocacy year over year along every step of this process, we succeeded in making real $40 million in funding for ALS research.

Media Contact: Theresa Garner, Theresa@iamals.org

We will find cures for ALS. The only question is when. That answer depends on you.

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