
I am William Ujhazy

a family member in a familial ALS family


We will live life by dog years attempting to put 7 years into one. We are devastated that we will not be able to grow old together, but we will let our love help us face this and fight it to the end.

Sad News today, Kelly has been diagnosed with ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. She has had symptoms for a while, and no one could figure it out. We had a diagnosis for several weeks but got a second opinion from Cleveland Clinic yesterday and ALS was confirmed. Unfortunately, there is no cure and there is no medicine to speak of that does much at all. The condition is terminal, and it will kill her. Life expectancy is 3 to five years from onset which gives Kelly 1 to 3 years- All grim realities.

All of that said, we will live our life together to the fullest, doing what we can, to the best of her abilities as this disease continues to attack her muscles and mobility. We will live life by dog years attempting to put 7 years into one. We are devastated that we will not be able to grow old together, but we will let our love help us face this and fight it to the end.

We have talked about this and wondered what we should do, keep it private, tell only friends? Use social media to do something? The reality of going through this has shown us how hard it is for the medical community to even figure out what you have. The fact that Kelly is a nurse made her more attuned to knowing something was going wrong with her body. She was relentless in pushing the system to finally get to the bottom of her ailments. She was her own advocate and now we know, ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is what she has.

ALS is what she has but it is not who she is or how we will choose to live. We are going to make a social media page to show what ALS is and how it can progress from beginning to end. Maybe it will help others who have no answers or maybe they have answers but are afraid of the future. We will live our life, enjoy our love, continue our adventures and celebrations of life till the end.

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