
I am Tonia O’Neil

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS,
someone who cared for a person we've lost to ALS


This horrible disease took so much from her so quickly.

Hello. My name is Tonia O’Neil. My mom Belinda McCluskey was diagnosed with ALS in November 2022 and passed away a short 10 months later September 11, 2023. This horrible disease took so much from her so quickly. She prayed that she would be eligible for stem cell or a research program. Anything that would give a glimmer of hope that she would make it long enough to see her great granddaughter be born and to hold her. So many things happened so quickly and I regret so much. That when she was able to write I didn’t keep a sample of her handwriting to me. That we didn’t discuss certain things.

Everywhere you go during the year you will get asked about rounding up your bill or donating to a cause. Example: cancer, St Jude’s, etc…. But you NEVER hear about ALS.

As a matter of fact, I wanted to get a personalized license plate in the state of Georgia for ALS awareness only to find out. There isn’t one. I was shocked to see that only a couple states offer it. How can we get these specialty plates in every state so that part of the proceeds go to research.

I pray everyday for the families and people who are struggling with ALS. We need to educate people wayyyyyy more on this and get more funding rolling for a cure.

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