
I am Tammy Pope

a family member of someone living with ALS,
caring for someone living with ALS


My husband is a fighter. I am so proud to be his wife. He has shown me the true meaning of bravery and strength.

Hello, we are Team Pope!

Rob and I met in May of 2013. He was already showing symptoms, though very mild. In late 2015 we started testing, in February 2016 he was diagnosed with PLS. July 2016 we got married! It was August of 2020 when our local ALS clinic delivered the news that it wasn’t PLS, he was in full onset bulbar ALS.

My husband is a fighter. I am so proud to be his wife. He has shown me the true meaning of bravery and strength. We are blessed to have a strong support system and together Team Pope will fight this losing battle so one day someone can fight and win!

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