
I am Susan Meade

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


It is one of the most horrible diseases. To watch someone who you love just wither away.

My husband was diagnosed with ALS in 2017. He was a Veteran and they attributed the disease to something he was exposed to while in the service.  He had limb onset.

It is one of the most horrible diseases. To watch someone who you love just wither away. He was so full of life. He loved to snow ski and he wanted to ski one more time. So we went to Steamboat Colorado where they have the adaptive skiing. They were great and he was in his glory. It was so touching to see him ski.

He fought the disease for 4 years, and he won the fight. He passed away peacefully on February 28, 2021. He was my soul mate, my best friend and I miss him dearly!! I love you Tommy Meade.

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