
I am Roger Ames

living with ALS


76 years old. Composer. Married to Elizabeth. 3 children, two stepchildren, one grandson. Teacher, and teacher of teachers.

76 years old. Composer. Married to Elizabeth, who is disabled from Powassan, a tick bite disease. 3 children, two stepchildren, one grandson. Teacher, and teacher of teachers.

I’ve had composer residencies in Europe and U.S and have been an artist mentor at Central City Opera, Colorado Springs Conservatory, New Dramatists, NYC and more.

ALS has caused weight loss, (50 lbs), dysfunction in hands (pianist no longer), weakness and fatigue.

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Join us for the 2024 Community Summit!

Join us in Washington DC from May 29th - June 2nd for the 3rd annual ALS Awareness Month flag display and inaugural Community Summit.

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