
I am Rafael Cruz Jr

living with ALS

New York

This community support was a wonderful blessing that allowed my family and I to push through all the negative and find some sense of normalcy in this fight.

In 2016 I was enjoying my family, friends, hobbies and work and was so thankful for everything in my life. Then I had this little feeling of change as I was approaching my 50th birthday. I thought, “Must be part of middle age.”

Of all the things you worry about in life, ALS for myself was not on that list. But in February of 2017 at a sports medicine appointment for my arm weakness, I learned of motor neuron disease. The doctor asked to put my wife on speakerphone so he could better explain because my understanding of this was not hitting home … a few more Neurologist appointments later and then confirmation of ALS.

I was one of the lucky ones to get a diagnosis within 3 months.

The next chapter after the shock, anger and sadness was the biggest retirement fundraising party from my correctional facility and local volunteer fire department. Let’s not leave out a Tricky Tray by my family! This community support was a wonderful blessing that allowed my family and I to push through all the negative and find some sense of normalcy in this fight.

We also learned from so many that their lives had been touched by ALS as well, it is not that rare. So, we continue to be grateful, move forward and to always look for the good parts of the day.

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