
I am Mira Klingenberg

a family member of someone living with ALS


His goal is to stay alive until his little girl is old enough to remember him.

My son Matt, 37 years old, married to Kelly, with 3 little kids, has ALS. He was diagnosed in March 2018. He was in the NurOwn phase 3 trial, also in EAP 1 & EAP 2. He knows it helps him. His goal is to stay alive until his little girl is old enough to remember him. Aubrey is 3, James is 4, Mason is 7. I advocate to honor him and his goal.

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Join us for the 2024 Community Summit!

Join us in Washington DC from May 29th - June 2nd for the 3rd annual ALS Awareness Month flag display and inaugural Community Summit.

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