
In memory of Michael Honan

someone we've lost to ALS

New Jersey

ALS is a MONSTER of proportions for which I have no description.

My husband, Michael died of ALS on September 12, 2014. He was only 53 years old. He was a veteran of the United States Navy. He went from being one of the most active people I knew to one who couldn’t move at all. ALS rendered him unable to do what we would all consider the simplest tasks — for example, scratch his nose.

As ALS progressed through his body, he lost his ability to be independent and had to rely on assistance to eat, bathe, toilet, dress. Everything. Make no mistake, although ALS did not take Michael’s mind, it took his body. It also took his voice.

ALS is a MONSTER of proportions for which I have no description. To live with ALS for Michael was unbearable on the best of days. To watch my husband die from ALS was the most heart wrenching thing I have ever endured. We need to find a cure NOW!

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