
I am Mayuri Saxena

living with ALS

New York

I am a woman, an immigrant, a fighter, a dreamer, an optimist, and lastly Uniquely-Abled!

My name is Mayuri Saxena. I am a woman, an immigrant, a fighter, a dreamer, an optimist, and lastly Uniquely-Abled! I live in the best city in the world and have called New York City my home since I was 2 years old. For most of my life, I have taken advantage of everything that the city has had to offer, from eclectic restaurants to the myriad of sights and sounds. Like any other New Yorker, I’ve taken the subway to most corners of the city and traversed across avenues to grab dinner with friends on a whim. Sadly, I took these simple things for granted.

The biggest change in my life came when I started falling in late 2016.

Unexpectedly, I started losing muscle in my right leg and within a few weeks, I went from using a cane to a walker, and finally a wheelchair. Prior to losing my ability to walk, I lost my job and went through a divorce, all within 2 years.

Recently, I discovered that I have a genetic mutation consistent with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. The disease is life-threatening and as of now, there is no cure. This doesn’t stop me however from being grateful and trying to make the most of each moment every single day.

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