
I am Juliet Taylor

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS,
someone who cared for a person we've lost to ALS


Although his team was the Tigers, we went to Nationals, Orioles and local minor league games here in the DC area. I remember him sitting in the sun in his baseball cap, enjoying a beer and savoring every moment of each game.

Jeff was the Guy That Got Me Into Baseball.

To Jeff, these things were life: hockey, baseball, football, fishing, classic rock, live music, his kids, our dogs, guacamole, ice cream and me. He lived a passionate, expansive life and was deeply devoted to the people and things he cared about.

Although his team was the Tigers, we went to Nationals, Orioles and local minor league games here in the DC area. I remember him sitting in the sun in his baseball cap, enjoying a beer and savoring every moment of each game. When I go to sporting events now, it’s without him and I am sad. ALS took him from us in May 2020. ALS steals joy, time and baseball games from families. It does not steal love, though it changes it.

I’m participating in Lou Gehrig Day to help raise awareness of ALS, educate people about what it does to families and friendships, and honor my number one sports fan. I love and miss him more than I can describe.

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