
I am Jim Thomson

living with ALS

New York

My ALS journey started in February of 2020 with slurring speech. After 3 months of misdiagnoses I was diagnosed with ALS.

I’m a 72 year old husband, father, grandfather and in 1 month I will be a great grandfather!! My life is full, I’ve been married for 37 years to my soul mate. We have 6 kids. I am a Marine (once a Marine always a Marine). I was in Vietnam for 14 months.

My ALS journey started in February of 2020 with slurring speech. After 3 months of misdiagnoses I was diagnosed with ALS. That was June 10, 2020. I was able to walk into the doctor’s office and explain my symptoms.

Today, one year later, I can no longer talk, walk, eat or take care of myself. ALS is ravaging my body. I can only communicate with eye gaze.

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