
I am Gwen Gotsch

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


Yes, like Lou Gehrig, he caught a bad break but he had a lot to live for.

I’m sharing a video from the White Sox organization with my son, Kris Grahnke’s ALS and baseball story. As he says towards the end of the video, yes, like Lou Gehrig, he caught a bad break but he had a lot to live for. This chance to hang out at the 10th year reunion of the 2005 Championship Team was arranged by a good friend working with the Sox PR department. It was such a thrill for him. Baseball means a lot in our family.

Kris wrote the day here and describes it more colorfully than I ever could: https://gronksgrace.blogspot.com/2015/07/white-sox-class.html

I’m happy to see MLB get behind ALS research with a Lou Gehrig day!

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