
I am Gus Prieto

living with ALS

I am more than my disease, and I fight for my family and for those who live with this disease.

Here’s my story: It’s been six years now, living with ALS. I was 50 years old when diagnosed with ALS. I’m 56 now and still fighting. The neurologist and doctor gave me 2-5 years to live. That day, I would not give an inch and would fight every day of my life. I am more than my disease, and I fight for my family and for those who live with this disease. My journey has opened my eyes. My blinders are off, and now I see. Staying positive and having good thoughts go a long way. It’s difficult, but we must never quit. I was an ambassador for PatientsLikeMe, and I share my experience and knowledge daily. As an ambassador for All Of Us Research, it allows me to continue my journey and help those navigate throughout their journey. There are no manuals and no wrong ways — only those we don’t try. Something good is coming, I believe that. Stay strong to all the people living with ALS. Love, Gus. We’ve got this…

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