
I am Genevieve Whiting

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS,
a friend of someone living with ALS,
living with ALS


I am a family member, a friend, a doctor and now I’m an ALS advocate.

Every Christmas, we celebrated at Uncle Howard’s house. We didn’t celebrate Christmas at my house so this was a treat. I loved playing ping pong in his basement. He was a tremendous, quick player. When Howard was diagnosed with ALS, the parties stopped. The next I saw him was in his wheelchair using a computer-generated voice for communication. His wit remained as quick as ever. He passed shortly thereafter. When my dear friend was later diagnosed at the age of 37 with two young children the same ages as my boys, it took my breath away. I did not become active in the fight to cure ALS after Howard but I refuse to sit back now. I am a family member, a friend, a doctor and now I’m an advocate.

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