
I am F Joseph Bowser

someone we've lost to ALS

New York

ALS is such a horrible disease. My heart goes out to everyone in the ALS community.

We lost my dad to ALS in April 2021.

He courageously fought ALS for 6 long years.

It started out with not being able to use his hands, then slowly progressed to being bedridden. We used a Hoyer lift and hired a part time caregiver. His hospital stay was the worst since his voice didn’t work & he couldn’t push a call button. They didn’t understand that and unfortunately he was neglected during the night. They inserted a feeding tube. Shortly after we brought him home but he only lasted a few more days.

He was a hard worker- working full time up until he was 72. He was a wonderful, giving father.

He is greatly missed. ALS is such a horrible disease. My heart goes out to everyone in the ALS community. Especially the younger ones suffering with ALS.

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