
I am Don Bloom

living with ALS

New Mexico

The Lou Gehrig monument was my introduction to his story and he became a childhood hero of mine. ... Little did I know that 61 years later I would be diagnosed with ALS.

In 1956, a few months before my eighth birthday, my dad took me to Yankee Stadium for the first time. After the game he took me onto the field and we went out to the monuments in centerfield. The Lou Gehrig monument was my introduction to his story and he became a childhood hero of mine. After that I watched “Pride of the Yankees” every time it was on tv and read everything I could about him.

Little did I know that 61 years later I would be diagnosed with ALS. Lou is my hero now more than ever. Lou Gehrig Day not only will honor my hero but will be a reminder of one of my fondest childhood memories, the day my dad and I spent together.

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