
In memory of Danette Mendenhall

someone we've lost to ALS


I was not prepared to find out that Dani had ALS, the day after our kids graduated from high school. 

Dani and her husband were preparing for their next chapter in life when ALS hit. Their son was a senior in high school, their daughter was playing college soccer, Dani had started her own small business, and they were planning their retirement- the trips and adventures with family and friends that they were excited to take, and finally some time for each other.

I’ll never forget the day in May that I “knew” something was really wrong with Dani. We were meeting at the movies like we had for years, our little escape in the chaos of raising kids, jobs, life… I was already sitting in the theater when I got her text, “I am in the parking lot, but will only come in if you promise not to ask about my health”  I knew she had been to the neurologist and was anxious for the results, but I promised. We enjoyed the movie and hugged really tight when we left each other in the parking lot. I ran to my car to call my husband, my eternal optimist, he told me to prepare for the worst – I sat, cried and told myself we would get through it. I was not prepared to find out that Dani had ALS, the day after our kids graduated from high school. 

In January of 2014 Dani started noticing a difference in her speech. After numerous trips to doctors, a short stay in the hospital the diagnosis finally came. It was amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. I lost Dani 14 quick months after her diagnosis. Every step went too fast, we accepted one change only to have another come quickly behind it. I watched my beautiful, vivacious friend painfully lose her life. I loved her, fed her, bathed her, cried with her, and made her laugh every second I could. She so wanted to find a cure for ALS that she donated part of her brain to research. She wanted us to keep fighting for others to have that cure!

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