
I am Crystal Sanford-Brown

living with ALS


Everyday, I celebrate what I can continue to achieve.

As a multi-trauma survivor from childhood molestation, domestic abusive marriage along with several more mental and physical relationships, toxic work environment, I was conditioned to remain silent and keep secrets that keep you in a sick state of mind. As a dedicated Advocate for others, I was overwhelmed to learn on November 28, 2023 that I have Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS).

From my genetic testing, I’ve learned that I’m one of 90% of ALS patients who doesn’t have a familial connection.

As well known Author Bessel van de Kolk stated, “The body keeps the score.” I’m seriously thinking that I may have contracted ALS from the affects of holding onto excessive amounts of stress in my life.

Now as an Advocate for ALS awareness and supporting ALS research for a cure, I’m “Speaking Up & Speaking Out; Breaking the Silence; Claiming my true voice” as I continue living my best life. Everyday, I celebrate what I can continue to achieve.

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