
In memory of Christopher Carr

someone we've lost to ALS


My husband was a leader in so many ways, his smile was contagious and he just knew how to take care of people.

On February 4th of 2016, my husband, but boyfriend at the time, was diagnosed with ALS. He was 28. He bought my engagement rings two weeks before diagnosis and two weeks after diagnosis he proposed at the Be Our Guest restaurant in Disney World.

My husband was a leader in so many ways, his smile was contagious and he just knew how to take care of people. So when he was diagnosed I took that role of being the caregiver.

Three years into being diagnosed we welcomed our son Jameson. He’s my husband’s pride and joy. Chris fought every day to live and to advocate for other warriors. He made it 5 years with this disease and didn’t give up, even to his final day with us.

He had his faith in God and knew one day he wouldn’t suffer anymore. He passed April 27th, 2021 and would have been 34 May 5th.

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