
I am Carrie Boone

someone who cared for a person we've lost to ALS


Grief is a very unpredictable and ever-changing process.

Have you ever felt confused and overwhelmed by untamable emotions? You are not alone. Grief is a very unpredictable and ever-changing process. I figured that because I had been exposed to some grief and loss situations early in my life, this made me well prepared for loss going forward. Well, I was wrong!

I lost my dad to ALS in the winter of 2021. Oh the pain and despair I experienced. He had suffered for about year and half before he passed. He left too soon. Even though I had been exposed to grief and loss as early as the age of eight, I would learn that the loss of a very dear loved one to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) would send me on an unpredictable and turbulent journey of grief and despair.

My pain led me to write a book about me and my dad’s experience. Unbelievable Grief: Incredible Grace, a memoir is a non-fiction story about my journey with grief. I wrote the book to help others who may be experiencing an “unbelievable grief.” This book was also penned to honor the life and legacy of my dad. I also add self-help tips and resources in the back of the book along with reflections and notes pages for the reader to journal about their own experience if they feel led to do so.

Read more and be inspired: www.inspirationbycarrie.com

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