
I am Carolyn Atwood

living with ALS


I saw a local neurologist and had a complete exam and he said he thought I had bulbar onset ALS.

My symptoms began in April 2020. I had fallen backwards in February and hit the back of my head very hard. March 3rd I had a total knee replacement. In April I began slurring my words occasionally and having emotional issues and twitching under my tongue. I talked to my PCP and did all kinds of blood work and a CT of my brain. All tests were negative.

I saw a local neurologist and had a complete exam and he said he thought I had bulbar onset ALS. I went for a 2nd opinion at UT Southwestern and 3rd opinion at Texas Neurology. After additional blood work, EMG and nerve conduction study on my tongue, arms and legs my diagnosis was confirmed.

As of today June 25, 2021 my slurring has progressed to the point of my speech being unintelligible, my tongue has atrophied and having difficulty swallowing. I had a feeding tube placement March 15th. I can still eat soft foods but chewing is becoming more difficult. I pray every night for God to send knowledge to doctors and researchers and to have the FDA approve medications that will help. Also praying for ACT for ALS H.R. 3537 & S.1813 bill to pass.

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