
I am Brooke Eby

living with ALS


Through the support of my family, friends, and work, I've been able to laugh in the face of ALS.

I was diagnosed with ALS/MND this past March at the age of 33.

ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease. It has no cure and doctors give you 2-5 years to live after being diagnosed.

This all started four years ago when I developed weakness in my left foot, noticed by many Salesforce colleagues as I limped my way to get my daily coffee.

After hundreds of tests, the less scary options were ruled out one by one, and I was left with a “wait and see if it progresses.” Four years later, I felt the weakness in my right foot, and was able to get a confirmed diagnosis.

I spent a few months crying and shoveling M&Ms into my face before deciding to attack ALS head-on by driving awareness through social media. Through the support of my family, friends, and work, I’ve been able to laugh in the face of ALS.

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