
I am Bob Scannell

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS,
someone who cared for a person we've lost to ALS

My wife, Beth Ann Scannell, died from ALS in early 2022. Shortly before, she wrote a letter to our son Kyle, to be read at his upcoming High School Senior Letter Day. Here is an excerpt from that letter:

“… Kyle, one of the many ways we have bonded is through your love of baseball. Cheering you on through years of games, being the dugout Mom, helping at practices, and enjoying MLB games together. I am your biggest fan Kyle, and whether I am coaching and guiding you, or admiring you from the stands in whatever your pursuits are, I will be there cheering you on. It is still early in your life, but I am confident that you already have the strength, courage, and wisdom to follow your dreams, and the compassion to help others with theirs. So, as you go forward in life, and round the bases, remember the home you started from and the home you are headed towards. Hit it out of the park Kyle, and don’t forget to enjoy a few good bat flips along the way. I will always love you. Love, Momma”

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