
I am AlanTimothy LuncefordStevens

living with ALS

New York

Then six months later, I went from 262 pounds to 140 pounds.

My grandfather, my Father and I were diagnosed with ALS. A DNA test showed my ALS came down from Vikings.

I have a warrior personality. Playing baseball I got an injury from a 2nd base bully. I went to the doctor for a broken hand. There they found I had AML Leukemia. Then at 41, I survived Burkitt’s lymphoma.

Then at 64, I had gait issues. Six months later, I went from 262 pounds to 140 pounds. My doctor neurologist was shocked at my loss. He said let’s test for ALS. Six months later I had the EMG that showed the muscle twisting all through my muscle mass. My doctor said I lost 55 percent of my muscle mass.

I am now living with ALS. I will fight with my warrior personality for treatments and a CURE FOR ALS.

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