
Ask Me Anything ALS

The I AM ALS’ “Ask Me Anything ALS” series consists of community-led conversations where people living with and impacted by ALS come together to share their experience and answer questions about a specific topic.  

These conversations are open to any interested person and take place between people who have lived experiences with the specific topic and others from the ALS community. We learned from the community the importance of connecting with and learning from others in similar situations, which is exactly what these events intend to do – make connections and share resources! Attendees can submit questions ahead of time when signing up, join to ask additional questions, or simply listen and learn. 

Upcoming topics:

  • Coming soon!

Here’s a complete list of topics we’ve covered in this series, as well as any videos or resources that came from each event. The entire Youtube playlist can be found here



Want to hear from the ALS community about a topic not listed above? Suggest a topic for a future Ask Me Anything ALS event! If you have a suggestion, please reach out to us on our Contact Us page here.

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