
One Step Closer to $10 Million in New Funding for ALS Research

Yesterday was an incredible day as we took another major step towards making an increase of $10 million per year in funding for ALS research REAL.

Today, we want to take a step back and look at how we got here as well as what this means.

On June 19th, after Congressional testimony and months of Hill visits, the House of Representatives voted to double the current ALS research funding level for the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program from $10 million to $20 million. With yesterday’s vote, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the same increase. Now the full Senate has to approve this increase. Once it does, the increase will go back to the House for a final vote. Because the funding increase is the same in both the House and Senate bill, it stands a strong chance of being included in the final bill that will then finally go on to President Trump for his signature. At that point, we will have succeeded in making real an extra $10 million in funding for ALS research.

The reason that we have come so far in just a few months is because of you. The patients, caregivers, advocates, and ALS advocacy groups that wrote, called, visited and stood together as a community united in support of this effort to demand more funding now and to give us hope now.

It is also a result of dozens of members of Congress who stood up and declared that it is time to end ALS. Champions like Senators Dick Durbin and Lisa Murkowski, Representatives Nita Lowey, Rosa DeLauro, and Mike Quigley and others.

While yesterday was an incredible day, this fight is far from over. The funding is not real yet, and even when it is it does not mean we will have cures or treatments tomorrow or next week. That’s why this community is so important. Nothing good is easy. Ending ALS won’t be easy, but it is worth every ounce of strength we can muster to make cures and treatments become real as soon as possible.

We can, we must, and we will, together.


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