
NIH Announces New Transformative Research Award Program for ALS

New initiative encourages innovative research on devastating neurological disease

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced it will invest $25 million over the next five years to spur innovative research on ALS and examine the links between ALS and other neurodegenerative disorders. To put this in perspective, this is the kind of bold investment and commitment that NIH has made in the fight against HIV and cancer that led to critical breakthroughs.

I AM ALS is grateful to NIH leadership for the commitment this represents to ending ALS and to Senator Durbin for his incredible advocacy including his push to work with NIH to drive breakthroughs in ALS, starting with the NIH roundtable in June 2019 that he convened with Senator Murkowski. This is why leadership matters.

There has never been a government investment like this in the ALS sector and we appreciate the commitment from Senators Durbin, Murkowski, Braun, Coons and Representatives Quigley, Fortenberry and the House and Senate ALS caucuses to fundamentally remake this movement. The door has been opened and the light of change and hope are streaming in.

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