
I am Kelly Goodman

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


The diagnosis of ALS suspended our dreams and cast a black cloud over our family.

ALS is a horrific, terminal disease that has taken so many loved ones from this Earth, including our hero, Jason. Jason was my husband, soulmate, and best friend since high school. Spanning 35 years, we grew up together, had the same friends, overcame challenges, and celebrated triumphs together. We created a beautiful family of 4, and raised two beautiful, ambitious, and compassionate children.

The diagnosis of ALS suspended our dreams and cast a black cloud over our family. My goal throughout the disease was to distract Jason from the future pain and suffering he (and we) anticipated daily. We had to “redefine” how it was going to impact our day-to-day activities, dreams and hopes. And I had to go into overdrive, sometimes I failed, but many times I succeeded.

For the last few days of his life, the kids and I took turns giving Jason his medications. It was remarkable to see us working together, caring for the man who gave so much to all of us. And while he endured this horrible disease, he always did it with a smile and a “thank you”. Jason had ALS for over 6 years.

The kids and I said goodbaye to Jason on March 11, 2023. Life will never be the same – but we will carry on his legacy and will act in his honor –

Be Kind, Work Hard, Make A Difference <3

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