
Show that you’re part of the ALS community!

Your voice and story is one of the greatest gifts you can share. Sharing how ALS has impacted your life makes a “rare” disease community feel connected, relatable and less lonely.

Take a few minutes to add your name and photo to the Every Community map and write your journey with ALS to be shared on our story wall.

Feeling stuck on what to put for your story? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Use this helpful worksheet to write your personal story to inspire others.

ALS wins when we wage our movement in the shadows and too few know about our effort to end ALS.

The address you are providing will not be shared outside of the purpose of populating the Every Community map and sharing the state you live in on our story wall. Individuals will not be able to view the exact location you provide.

To share a name and story on behalf of a loved one you’ve lost to ALS, click here.

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Join us for the 2024 Community Summit!

Join us in Washington DC from May 29th - June 2nd for the 3rd annual ALS Awareness Month flag display and inaugural Community Summit.

Learn more! Continue to the site