
I am JaneCarole Bunting

a friend of someone we've lost to ALS


I hope to attend an MLB game on Lou Gehrig Day, June 2nd, and do something to know I am honoring him.

Baseball plays a big role in my passion to help those with ALS. Here’s the shortest version I can do to explain: In 2006 while working in MLB, I was a team rep at our local walk & met a retired professional tennis player I had looked up to. I called my parents, who were both high school tennis coaches, after to tell them and found out another school’s coach we knew well had just told my dad that week that he had been diagnosed with ALS. That seemed fated to me and I got involved. We lost Coach Price within 2 years.

Fast forward years later and I am no longer working in baseball. I became good buddies with a client through work, bonding over both going to college in Mississippi (though Ole Miss for me and State for him) and our mutual love of baseball. He actually played at State! Unfortunately, he was also a late diagnosis of ALS and we lost him shortly after. I have been able to find a photo of him playing ball so I now know his number. I hope to attend an MLB game on 6/2 and do something to know I am honoring him.

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