
In memory of Gregory Kenoyer

someone we've lost to ALS


Until the day of his death, he was serving on committees and acting as a voice for those with ALS, answering questions and supporting community members. He never gave up.

Greg Kenoyer lived 6 1/2 years past his diagnosis of ALS, and he fought to improve the lives of others with ALS throughout his remaining time. He worked with I Am ALS and a variety of other causes, as well as creating a document to help those getting their initial diagnosis and helping to create a protocol for medical facilities and emergency services to better serve those with ALS and reduce harm due to ignorance of protocols that can be damaging to those with ALS. Until the day of his death, he was serving on committees and acting as a voice for those with ALS, answering questions and supporting community members. He never gave up.

When he died in May 2019, he left behind a wife and five children, as well as an ever-growing legion of grandchildren. We miss him every day, but are so proud of all he did to pursue a better life for himself and others with ALS.

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