
I am Eric Von Schaumburg

someone we've lost to ALS


Eric, not one to feel sorry for himself, immediately started on a new mission in his life, to spread ALS awareness and help find a cure.

On June 19, 2013, our son Eric Von Schaumburg, was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 29. We were shocked and it turned our world upside down. Eric, not one to feel sorry for himself, immediately started on a new mission in his life, to spread ALS awareness and help find a cure. Before losing his ability to communicate, he had numerous speaking appearances at various events. We would like to share some of his own words from one of these events. I hope it gives you insight into the incredible man he was!

“Just knowing that I was joining you tonight helped me realize that people are counting on me to inspire and it’s time to deliver. At my highest of highs I feel like this disease was a blessing bestowed upon me. I now have a grand purpose to my life that others could only dream of. It is to fight like hell, spreading awareness and fundraising to ultimately make ALS a chronic, not terminal disease. Literally, we are this close to the breakthrough we need. I’m sadly aware that this research may not save my life. But I want to look down from the heavens and see one of your kids or grandkids’ families spared from the living hell my family is going through. I do what I do for those people, our future generations. Enough is enough!!”

“Even before ALS, I lived by a discipline that if I thought something nice about someone, I would tell them that! “I like your smile” or “You are a great friend” or “I love you.” Too many times we only open our mouths to criticize, but picture how much better our world would be if we complimented instead of criticized. Please think about that and try to implement such a simplistic exercise into your daily lives. You will revel in seeing how a few nice words can make someone’s day.”

Eric battled this horrific disease for 10 years with courage, strength, determination and a will to survive. He lost his ability to walk, talk, eat & breathe, becoming paralyzed, trapped inside his own body, until losing his fight in June 2023.

To find out more about Eric’s fight please go to fightlikeachampion.com. Thank you.

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