
I am Ann Thomson

a family member of someone living with ALS

New York

They did an EMG and we went home with the words YOU HAVE ALS. There is no cure. We were in shock.

My husband, Jim, was diagnosed with ALS last June 10, 2020. It started that February with speech slurring. After seeing his PCP he sent him to a neurologist, who then sent him to a neurologist that specializes in MND. They did an EMG and we went home with the words YOU HAVE ALS.

There is no cure. We were in shock. We have 6 adult kids and 10 grandkids so we had to tell them. Needless to say, it was very emotional. As of today, 11 months after diagnoses, Jim can no longer talk, walk, eat, or bathe on his own. ALS has taken my beautiful, strong husband and made him completely dependent on me.

My heart cries out every second of every minute of every day. We need to SLOW this HORRIFIC DISEASE DOWN. We need prayers. 💔💙 We need a CURE.

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