
I am Monique Green

living with ALS


Before diagnosis, I was a road warrior … school activities, swim practice, Girl Scouts, birthday parties … you name it. I was there!

I am a 40 y/o (almost 41), single mom, diagnosed with ALS at 32. I had to retire in 2017 from my career as a Nurse Practitioner. Losing my independence and ability to work have been my hardest losses. Although I am no longer working, I maintain my license and continuing education because I love learning and being a resource for others. My aging parents and teenage daughter are my primary caregivers. Before diagnosis, I was a road warrior … school activities, swim practice, Girl Scouts, birthday parties … you name it. I was there!

I had about 3 “good” years after diagnosis before my progression became disabling. Today, I can no longer walk unassisted, have limited use of my arms and hands, and noticeable speech impairment.

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