
I am Cari Meystrik

living with ALS


When it became hard to open toothpaste, I went to the doctor. Two weeks later he told me I had 2-5 years to live.

I was diagnosed in 1998 at the age of 28. My symptoms began almost immediately after the birth of my 3rd child. I was experiencing much fatigue and twitching and cramping but wrote it off to having three kids 5 and under and possible carpal tunnel.

When it became hard to open toothpaste, I went to the doctor. Two weeks later he told me I had 2-5 years to live. Of course, I was devastated by the prospect of not seeing my kids grow up and not growing old with my husband.

After the initial shock, we just took one day at a time. I progressed steadily for about four years and plateaued after the birth of my 4th child. Only one of my kids remembers their Mom not in a wheelchair.

I homeschooled them for 10 years making the most of our time together. We were and are a team. Twenty-three years later we are empty-nesters, have lots of gray hair and are waiting for grandkids. Only God knows the number of my days.

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