
I am Mandy Henry

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


Prior to my Dad being diagnosed with ALS in May 2017, the only thing I knew about ALS was it was named after a famous Yankee baseball player

Two different stories from two daughters who had to watch their Dad die of this horrific disease: my sister, who was our Dad’s favorite softball player, was coached for 10+ years by my Dad and only later in life realized his words of wisdom on the field were also life’s lessons!

Me and my parents made a video for ALS Awareness month in 2019 and my opening words were around the fact that prior to my Dad being diagnosed with ALS in May 2017, the only thing I knew about ALS was it was named after a famous Yankee baseball player (my husband’s favorite MLB team!). “It is what it is” never rang so true…

Join us on MLB’s Lou Gehrig Day for ALS

Hit a home run!

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