
I am Jennifer Bernay

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS,
someone who cared for a person we've lost to ALS


Thank you to MLB for bringing the much-needed recognition to this cruel, heartbreaking disease.

Our Mom, Nora, was diagnosed with ALS in November of 2020, after spending over a year searching for answers to her initial symptoms. At the time, she was diagnosed with an advanced stage of ALS. Sadly, she passed away on April 1, 2021, five months after her diagnosis. She waged an admirable fight, determined to make it to her 80th birthday, which she did by two weeks!

Our Dad, tragically killed when we were young, played baseball in the farm system of the Boston Red Sox in the late 1960’s, where fellow teammates included Rico Petrocelli and Mike Ryan, to name a few. He loved the game of baseball, as do my brothers and me. It is ironic to me that MLB has chosen to bring attention to this disease, which ultimately took our Mom, so many years after his death. Thank you to MLB for bringing the much needed recognition to this cruel, heartbreaking disease.

Join us on MLB’s Lou Gehrig Day for ALS

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