
In memory of Martine Fulkerson

someone we've lost to ALS


My dear mother, my role model and best friend succumbed to ALS after a short 18 months of being diagnosed.

My name is Darlena and I’m passionate about spreading awareness about ALS and advocating for effective treatments for this barbaric motor neuron disease.

My dear mother, my role model and best friend succumbed to ALS after a short 18 months of being diagnosed. She had fast progression bulbar onset. I was her caregiver and watched her decline on a daily basis to the point where she could only blink her eyes.

After five years I still tear up just talking about it. The traumatizing effects of feeling like my hands were tied watching her suffer and fight will forever be ingrained in my mind. I fight with pals and the ALS community so nobody must hear those words from doctors “There’s nothing we can for you.”

Until my last breath, I will fight. Much love and sunshine. Warm regards, Darlena Embry

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