
I am Gary Kurtis

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


What then made it doubly meaningful is in the World Series having Curt Schilling a strong advocate for ALS pitch after having a procedure to hold his ankle tendons together so he could pitch.

Baseball from my earliest memories has always been a passion, particularly growing up a Red Sox fan or as a proud member of Red Sox nation where we learn to root for our team or any team that can beat the Yankees!

2004 will always be a memory for a lifetime as I never thought I would witness the breaking of the curse of the Bambino with the Sox winning the World Series, their first since 1918! What then made it doubly meaningful is in the World Series having Curt Schilling a strong advocate for ALS pitch after having a procedure to hold his ankle tendons together so he could pitch. The world watched the famous bloody sock as the stitches broke apart with the words “K ALS” on the sock. This event happening just 2 years after my dad’s passing of ALS was very emotional as I wished he had been there to see it.

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