
I am Crystal Williams

a family member of someone living with ALS


My mom started getting symptoms about 2 years ago when her left arm started going numb.

My mom started getting symptoms about 2 years ago when her left arm started going numb. It eventually just went limp and dead with no feeling. She had no movement whatsoever. Then they did a test to see if she had a stroke which came out negative. Her neurologist sent her to New Orleans to see a neurologist, which due to COVID we were pushed back about a year before we could see the doctor. She ran a series of tests. The end result was that she was sending us to the ALS Clinic in New Orleans. My mom is completely bedridden with no use of her feet or hands. She is on oxygen 24/7. Me, as her daughter, along with my 2 brothers are taking this extremely hard. My mom is low income. Her husband gets social security but it’s barely enough to support them. This is very scary for not only my mom, but for all of us. We just taking it 1 day at a time. We don’t know what the next step we should take.

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