
I am Rebecca Rottier

living with ALS


I AM ALS. ... It means time is of the essence. It means I’m choosing to live with this, not give in.

I AM ALS. What does that mean to me? Well, it means my life changed drastically, in just one second, after hearing those words. It means time is of the essence. It means I’m choosing to live with this, not give in. Because the only thing I can think of that is worse than ALS is surrendering and curling up into a ball and dying. I’ve learned that I can still enjoy life today. I’m not saying I don’t have hard days. I assume they will become even harder as my mobility decreases. I’m not sure how I will handle that, but I believe God gives me the strength to get through each day and He will continue to do so in the future. I feel my purpose is to show people my faith.

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