
I am Maurine Tombrello

a friend of someone we've lost to ALS


I lost one of my best friends to ALS in 2015. … It was debilitating and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her.

I lost one of my best friends to ALS in 2015, 14 months after she was diagnosed. It was debilitating and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her. In 2016 my mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Learning how helping cure one rare neurodegenerative disease will help the other has been empowering. In 2019 a young firefighter in our LAFD family was diagnosed with ALS. This news hit my husband and I particularly hard because we realized that in the four years since we had lost Danette, very few advancements had been made. We can do more.

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