
I am Jennifer Stevens

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


I live a happy life but with a haunting nightmare each and every day. And that nightmare is familial ALS.

I AM ALS means fighting for my family. My mother-in-law, Jeannie Stevens, had familial ALS. She was one of the most caring and giving people I have ever known and I miss her every day. We shared a home after her diagnosis and I was able to be her caregiver until she passed in 2016. Jeannie participated in clinical trials while she was alive and donated her body for research after her passing. We’ve raised money for The ALS Association and participated in the Brigance Brigade ALS walk and race in Baltimore. I’m a wife to an incredible man who is my very best friend and a mom to four beautiful, intelligent and amazing kids. I live a happy life but with a haunting nightmare each and every day. And that nightmare is familial ALS. I pray for a cure, and I pray for every single person affected by ALS.

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