
I am Sabrina Kolenovic

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS

New York

It’s difficult watching a family member go through the struggles that come with battling ALS.

My uncle Harry was diagnosed with ALS in late October/November of 2022. We were in total denial as he was as strong as a bull. He worked 3 jobs and nothing could stop him. When diagnosed with Bulbar ALS we had no idea the severity it was and would take. We did everything in our power to get him better and fight. On December 25, 2022 he was admitted to ER followed by ICU battling Covid, and 2 other respiratory infections. After almost a month in the hospital, he fought it and got out. We thought if he can beat that, he can beat ALS. Unfortunately ALS won. 🙁 We miss him dearly, as he passed on September 7, 2023. He fought such a great fight, loved life so much. It’s difficult watching a family member go through the struggles that come with battling ALS. Especially, when he was trying to communicate his needs and his gross/motors skills were declining. May he eternally rest in peace, until we meet again.
Love always, Sabrina

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