
I am Stacey Koeth

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS,
someone who cared for a person we've lost to ALS


We faced difficult tasks with laughter and tears, but often times laughter.

Many lessons were learned from our brother Michael that lived with ALS.

He taught us so much on his journey. Painful and beautiful all rolled into one. Aside from his bravery in living with ALS he had a sense of presence and peace by living in the moment. One bathroom trip at a time, one bath at a time, one bite of food at a time.

We faced difficult tasks with laughter and tears, but often times laughter. As his siblings we went on his journey with him. We watched his patience, we learned about dignity and bravery and not looking back at yesterday or what tomorrow would bring and despite our enormous loss we will be forever grateful for what he taught us.

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