
I am Brian Ashline

a family member in a familial ALS family,
living with ALS

North Carolina

I have been a carpenter for 43 years and to not be able to use my hands is devastating.

I was diagnosed with ALS in 2021 . It started in my left thumb then my index finger then the other 3. I lost muscle up to my left shoulder. This is when I started going to the doctor. Today I have no use of my left hand and very limited movement in my right hand no strength in my arms.

I have twitching every day and cramps. My left leg is not operating properly I have to wear a brace on it. I take medicine for cramps 3 times a day, medicine for twitching 2 times a day and 3 different types for slowing ALS down. I have been a carpenter for 43 years and to not be able to use my hands is devastating.

I still work being a supervisor. My life has totally changed.

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