
I am Elizabeth Kennedy

a family member of someone we've lost to ALS


When she told me she had ALS, I was relieved to hear that she did not have a brain tumor. I did not know what ALS was...

My mom’s journey with ALS started with the loss of the use of her right thumb. She went to Mayo Clinic to find and answer and receive a diagnosis. I remember being terrified that she had a brain tumor.

When she told me she had ALS, I was relieved to hear that she did not have a brain tumor. I did not know what ALS was…

Once I learned about the disease, my sense of relief turned to devastation. I learned that there was no cure and that there was no hope of her overcoming this disease. She passed away less than 2 years later. I fight for hope. I fight so others do not have to feel what I felt when she was diagnosed. I fight for a cure.

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