
I am Tina Reckaway

a family member of someone living with ALS


We were just like every other family living our best lives.

This is what I finally shared June 18, 2022. God is still writing our next chapter!

The Beginning…

Once upon a time, two friends, Michael Trey and Tina became a couple. Soon after getting married, we had our son, Jake and planted roots here in Block House. Shortly thereafter, we had our daughter Riley. Our lives were filled with both ups and downs, but mostly ups.

Our Community…

We immediately got involved in our community, volunteered, got plugged in with softball, attended our neighborhood MUD meetings, HOA, school events and simply enjoyed time with many friends and family.

Just For Fun…

We would try to stay active by taking family trips to the beach and lake to visit family and we loved doing little adventures such as hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding and swimming. We were just like every other family living our best lives.

Everything Changed…

One day in 2018, our son Jake noticed that Michael Trey had a constant twitching in both arms and what appeared to be muscle spasms. At first, we thought nothing of it, but then we noticed that the twitching never stopped. That’s when the doctor visits, diagnostics tests, referrals to specialists, MRIs, CTs, probing and more tests began. This continued until 2020.

The Diagnosis…

Finally, in November of 2020, we found ourselves in a meeting scheduled with the muscular neurologist, physical therapists, a respiratory therapist, a dietician, a social worker and a gentleman to discuss Mike’s future needs with a computer. We were blown away and did not know what was going on. To be honest, we thought they must have thought we were someone else. I was sitting there freaking out while Michael Trey was just as calm as always, my rock! Finally, the neurologist comes in and tells us that Michael Trey has been diagnosed with ALS. (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s Disease). As you may know, ALS is a rapidly progressing neurological disease and his prognosis was 3-5 years.

Our Children…

We didn’t know how or when to tell the kids, in light of the approaching holidays, but we finally told them after Christmas. By that time, we were already noticing so many changes in Michael Trey. We have kept them informed, sought out counseling, and have tried to ask others to speak into their lives at this difficult time. Truth and communication are very important to us. They know everything and are here everyday. Some days are good and others aren’t so good.

Dicks’ Sporting Goods…

Independence and providing was always important to Michael Trey and he enjoyed working at Field and Stream/Dick’s Sporting Goods before it opened and for a little over 5 years. Michael Trey went from being a manager running around at the beginning to a greeter towards the end of his tenure. We are so very thankful to the wonderful people he worked with and that told him he could stay as long as he was able. For a couple of months before he left, he was using a scooter to get around, but eventually that became too hard and he had fallen several times, but Michael Trey kept working until February 11, 2022.

Current Journey…

Each day, Michael Trey is losing his muscles, strength, and his ability to do everyday life such as the ability to walk, speak and swallow. We currently have a loaner power wheelchair until his is approved and delivered, and he uses a ventilator to help him breath at night and has a cough assist device to help him swallow and avoid choking. Michael Trey already had surgery last August to get a feeding tube and that helps make sure he gets enough food and water. Although he has lost a lot of weight, I am doing my best to keep getting all of the nutrition he needs. Michael Trey also has an app on his phone and one on his computer to help him communicate. Michael Trey is a fighter, wants to be independent, but knows there are a lot of things he can no longer do.

Loving Community…

Our families are involved and supportive. His family comes from out of town and my mother lives just a few miles away in Round Rock. We also have my extended family, which includes cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors, our church and our pastor.

Our Current Needs…

We are living as best as we can, praying and staying by his side. We are getting resources together to help make our bathroom and home a little more disability friendly. I just want Michael Trey to be as comfortable as possible. Michael Trey worries about us and wants to continue to take care of us, but it is our turn to take care of him. He doesn’t talk about his ALS, but does answer questions when asked. He hates it, but knows there is a plan.

Asking for help is not easy, but blocking a blessing is not something we want to do.
Thank You All…

I love my family and Michael Trey has been a such a gift. He gave me things I never knew I wanted. Like being married (17 years, plus 5 together before that) children, Jake & Riley (a miracle and a blessing). Our life has been filled with joy and we are still laughing together. It may be different than it was before, but he is still The Man.

The Reckaways

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